Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Nearly Summertime

I'm back. After another long hiatus from blogging, but I'm trying to start up again as my summer schedule begins. Surprisingly, this break wasn't a result of playing bad golf - in fact, I played some pretty good golf during March and April. I found a nice string of consistency, making the last 7 cuts on the Gateway Tour. Only 1 of my first rounds were over par and only 1 of my second rounds were over par. That was a nice stretch of playing. Unfortunately I didn't play very well in the final rounds.

I do have another excuse for not posting. My car was totaled in a car accident on March 6th. Luckily I wasn't seriously injured, but it certainly added some stress to my life. I kept the stress off of the golf course and didn't let it affect my swing, but I usually had voicemails from insurance companies after my rounds. Below are some pictures of my car. I had to swerve to try and avoid the driver who never saw me. He side-swiped me and that pushed me into 2 other vehicles.

Back to golf, I've traveled to North Carolina to play some eGolf events. The first one started today and I shot an even par 72. I feel like I played much better than even par, but the wind was blowing early and I picked the wrong club a few times which led to 30 foot putts instead of much closer. Round 2 is Thursday morning.



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