Monday, July 31, 2006

Did Not Qualify

An unsuccessful attempt to qualify has forced me to travel to South Dakota for another tournament. Not much to say about my round in Nebraska except that hitting a bunker shot into a 30 mph wind when it is 100 degress is not something I want to do again. I knew the sand was going to fly back in my face so I didn't even look up, but the sand stuck to my neck and arms as if my skin was tape. Getting enough sand off to feel comfortable took a long time. Good thing is that I hit the sand shot to 4 feet and made the putt.

As for where I am now...South Dakota. Where exactly isn't important because it's South Dakota. I'm not suprised I don't have any bars on my cell phone. Where's Cingular when I need it.

Thanks for those who offered their caddying services, anybody now interested in lending their golf game?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep your head up pal. Remember it took Ben Hogan 7 yrs to get his first win. Your bar is probably not set at "be one of the greatest golfers of all time" at this point. That being said, having a rough spot in your first year as a pro is not unrealistic (listen to the 5 talk about being a pro!). Maybe a better example is Jon Turcott, it took him several years to get a break and now he's pouncing in it w/ 3 straight top 25 finishes on the Nationwide tour.
Keep your head up and your focus on you next shot.
Good Luck in lovely S.D.!
